Equatorial Guinea calls to end US blockade against Cuba

Equatorial Guinea endorsed at the United Nations the need to end the economic, financial and commercial blockade of the United States against Cuba, the government stated in this capital.
Through the official website, the Executive distinguished this Friday the presence and vote in favor of this delegation at the recent General Assembly, as well as the statement of the country, through its permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Anatolio Ndong Mba.
The new resolution was approved by 187 votes in favor, two against and one abstention.
The members of the largest organization of sovereign, democratic and peace loving States in the world, expressed their position “for the thirty-second consecutive time and unequivocally, “as one person, calling for an end once and for all to this unilateral imposition,” the statement added.
According to the report, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea reiterated its call on the Government of the United States “for an immediate end to the blockade against Cuba and for it to be removed from the list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism”.
The position of support for the Caribbean nation was unanimous on the part of almost all member States of the organization except for the United States and Israel who voted against, and Moldova’s abstention, it was reportedly noted by the Information and Press Office of Equatorial Guinea.
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