Cuba reports 630 new cases of Covid-19 and no deaths
Cuba today reported 630 new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2, virus that causes Covid-19, which represents an increase of 21 with respect to the previous day, but no deaths.
The number of patients under treatment is 7,867, of which 5,141 are suspected to carry the virus, 52 are under surveillance and 2,674 are confirmed active, according to the daily report released by the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap).
Of the total number of infections at the end of last Saturday, 618 were contacts of confirmed cases, five with source of infection abroad and in seven the origin of the infection could not be determined.
Authorities granted 524 medical discharges for those who suffered from Covid-19 and with this, the recovered patients reached 1,580,160 (99 percent of all confirmed cases).
Two thousand 674 persons are admitted to hospitals, two thousand 639 with a stable clinical evolution, while 35 are being treated in intensive care: nine critical and 26 serious.
The province with the highest numbers during the day was Matanzas with 90 cases.
Cuba accumulates one million 69,387 diagnosed with the virus since March 11, 2020 and the total number of deaths as a result of the pandemic reached 8,494.
Such numbers place the lethality rate in Cuba at 0.79 percent, much lower than the 1.37 in the world and 1.78 in the American continent, according to a comparison of the data provided by Minsap.
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