Cuba Released Results of Candidate Nomination Process


Cuba Released Results of Candidate Nomination Process
Fecha de publicación: 
18 November 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, Nov 18 (RHC) Authorities of the National Electoral Council -CEN-, announced Friday in Havana, the closing of the process of Nomination Assemblies for Candidates to the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power in view of the elections next November 27.

Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez, president of the CEN, informed in a press conference that out of the 44,931 meetings planned, 44,929 were held, in which more than 6,609,000 voters participated (72.64 percent of the total number of registered voters) and 26,746 candidates were nominated.

The official specified that as a result of a previous study of districts, 12,427 of them were approved, some 85 less than in the previous process, of which 12,400 are ordinary and the remaining 27 are special.

She pointed out the contribution provided by the social and mass organizations, thanks to which satisfactory results were achieved in the verification, updating, and publication of the voter lists.

Balseiro Gutiérrez emphasized order to guarantee transparency and legality, more than 180 thousand electoral authorities, around 1,400 super, visors, and more than 24 thousand collaborators and members of the auxiliary groups of information processing, with a wide representation of women and young people, will be involved.

On this occasion, it is foreseen that about 22,205 young people who have reached the age established by Cuban law (16 years old) will exercise their right to vote for the first time, she stressed.

She acknowledged the effort made by the province of Pinar del Río despite of the damages caused by the passage of hurricane Ian through that territory on September 27th and complied with the procedures in due time, which is why she described the process as successful.

At this moment, the country is getting ready for the Dynamic Test, to be held on Sunday, November 20, of vital importance to evaluate the communication and transportation systems, the conditions in the schools, and the training of the people involved, she added.

Through Agreement 406 of August 25, 2022, the National Assembly of People's Power called for municipal elections to designate delegates to the municipal entities of People's Power on November 27.

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