CIE to increase biosensor production for glucometers

The Cuban Immunoassay Center (CIE) will increase its production of biosensors for glucometers functioning, a CIE´s breakthrough as part of the national diabetic protection program.
CIE is currently preparing an investment process to produce, in a first stage, as many as 30 million biosensors for health institutions and, to a lesser extent, for community pharmacies.
A second production stage is aimed at manufacturing as many as 60 million biosensors, a figure that still does not cover present domestic demand of 90 million, Granma newspaper reported.
The biosensors plant has a production capacity of 15 to 20 million biosensors in 50-strip boxes.
Granma newspaper said the new glucometer prototype, recently presented, will use the same biosensors as the current one, once registration is effective and begins to be produced and distributed.
Its system is quite reliable and has an adequate performance for treating all patients, because unlike other places worldwide, this new strip was designed to keep a stable technology and guarantee the program includes all diabetics who require its use.
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