The Best Stage Shows of 2023, According to Critics

The Best Stage Shows of 2023, According to Critics
Fecha de publicación: 
30 December 2023
Imagen principal: 

This Tuesday, the winners of Villanueva Critics Award for the best shows of 2023 were announced, according to the decision of the Criticism and Research Section of the Association of Performing Artists of the Cuban Association of Writers and Artists, UNEAC.

In the Family Theater category, Clowncierto, from Teatro Tuyo, and Carnaval, from Teatro de las Estaciones were distinguished.

In Theater for adults the awards went to Padre Nuestro, by La Franja Teatral; El collar, from Nave Oficio de Isla; Aventuras del soldado desconocido, from Retablos and La Salamandra; and Kilometro Zero, by Liliana Lam.

Macbeth Room, performed by Pompeyo Audivert, from Argentina, won the award in the foreign show category.

Three special recognitions were also granted: to the Jubilee Season, organized by the National Ballet of Cuba on the occasion of its 75 anniversary; to the show Frijoles colorados, by Trotamundos, acted and directed by Verónica Lynn, and to Asesinato en la Mansión Haversham, by the Centro Promotor del Humor y Nave Oficio de Isla Comunidad Creativa.

The Villanueva Critics’ Awards will be presented, as usual, on January 22, Cuban Theater Day, in a ceremony scheduled to be held at the Villena hall of Uneac.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff



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