Ambassador Ma Hui gave an exclusive interview to CGTN America

Ambassador Ma Hui gave an exclusive interview to CGTN America
Fecha de publicación: 
10 June 2024
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His Excellency Mr. Ma Hui, Chinese Ambassador to Cuba, who is completing his tour of duty soon gave an exclusive interview to CGTN America, which was broadcast on June 8, 2024. Here is the full text of the interview:


CGTN: Mr. Ambassador, you are completing a three year mission to Cuba. How would you describe your experience as you prepare to return to China?

Ambassador Ma: When I first came to Cuba in July 2021, it was amid the global pandemic. Certainly the situation was very difficult for Cuba. So China, at the request of the Cuban government, supported the efforts of the Cuban government and people to fight the pandemic. That example of mutual help in times of difficulties actually reflect the deep friendship between China and Cuba. Towards the end of my mission recently, we also have a lot of good news. The relaunch of the direct flight between China and Cuba is coupled with Cuba's decision to offer visa free arrangement to short term Chinese visitors to Cuba up to ninety days.


CGTN: China-Cuba cooperation and economic relations have considerably expanded in recent years, including Cuba’s joining of the Belt and Road Initiative. Could you talk about some of the major areas of engagement during your time here?

Ambassador Ma: My colleagues and I have been working very hard to implement the important consensus reached between the two leaders of our two parties and two countries and to promote further cooperation between China and Cuba. While we are trying to expand trade, we also promote people to people exchange, for example, visits of cultural delegations,local delegations and also the teaching of languages, etc.


CGTN:Mr Ambassador, I'd like to hear your assessment of bilateral ties between the two socialist countries, their governments and political organizations.

AmbassadorMa:Relations between China and Cuba have become a very good example of solidarity and cooperation between socialist countries and also a very good example of developing countries providing help to each other. This is naturally because both Cuba and China are socialist countries led respectively by a communist party. We have common ideals and beliefs, and these common ideals, beliefs bring us together very close. The party to party relations actually constitute the cornerstone of the special friendly relations between China and Cuba.


CGTN: As part of your work here you have visited many communities and met with local leaders and everyday people. How would you describe your interaction with the Cuban people?

Ambassador Ma:I think what impressed me most during my three years time in Cuba is the brotherhood, the deep friendship between the Chinese people and the Cuban people. I hear many Cuban friends say that in my(their) blood there is Chinese blood. Chinese culture is part of the Cuban culture, along with European culture and African culture. So I'm very hopeful that the prospect of our bilateral relationship will be even brighter and greater in the future.

CGTN: Thank you very much for this interview. We wish you success in your upcoming works and missions.

Ambassador Ma: Thank you.

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