3rd International University-Society Scientific Congress opens today in Cuba
The program of the 3rd International University-Society Scientific Congress (Unisoc) 2024, organized by the western University of Matanzas (UM), will include a wide range of topics related to development and will open today at the Plaza America Convention Center.
The event, which is scheduled to begin Tuesday until the 28th, with the participation of some 700 scholars from different latitudes, will include spaces to socialize good practices, offer exhibition opportunities and promote products and services.
Agricultural development, heritage and culture, communities, construction, energy, digital transformation, geomatics and tourism are among the topics to be developed on the occasion of workshops and symposiums that make up the program of Unisoc 2024.
Jesus Lopez Martinez, president of the organizing committee, stressed the intention of addressing the strategies of the national program of economic and social development, to impact the progress of strategic sectors in Cuba.
The 2nd Symposium on Technological and Innovation Management for Social Transformation (SGTI 2024) will host the master conference Contributions from Innovation to Inclusive Industrial Development: the view of the Country Program of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
The 2nd International Energy Workshop will be favorable to discuss the challenges and prospects of the generation of the Cuban national electric power system (SEN), the energy performance of hotels in Varadero, as well as the extraction and production of oil and gas.
Examples of agroecology as a basis for food sovereignty in Cuba, current events and challenges of the digital transformation of Varadero, and a look at integrated community work as social innovation from popular participation, are some of the interesting proposals scheduled for Tuesday.
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