Over One Hundred Glimpses on the Cuban Flag
Over one hundred artists will have their exhibition on display the most diverse creations raging from painting, drawing, photography, design, sculpture, rooms, graphic works and video showings of the exhibition entitled 'Fuerza y sangre. Imaginarios de la bandera en el arte cubano', since next Monday.
The exhibition, which is dedicated to the Cuban national hero 'José Martí', tries to connect diverse generations and artistic forms of expressions since the montage of the Ingeniería del Arte ( Engineering of the Art).
“It is being organized since the art and a historical and inevitable framework.” curator, Isabel Pérez, said.
The exhibition is featured by 65 posters and a group of related pieces for that occasion, it is also observed a contemporary use of the nation's symbols and the elements of the cosmogony of Freemasonry are also included.
The exbition entitled 'Fuerza y Sangre' is organized by the National Plastic Arts Council, along with the Hermanos Saiz Association and the Ministry of Culture. Moreover, it proposes a collateral program of lectures, guided tours and workshops about the national history from the possibilities provided by the art and culture.
Since June 11th until the current year, it could be watched in Havana city and it will be on display nationwide later on through Holguín and Santiago de Cuba provinces, respectively.
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