Socialist deputies appreciated Cuba’s solidarity with Venezuela

Venezuelan socialist deputies delivered Thursday a document to the Cuban Ambassador to Venezuela, Rogelio Polanco, thanking the Cuban solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Through a statement on 22 April, the International Relations Committee of People's Power of Cuba expressed its rejection of the coup attempts and terrorist actions by right-wing sectors that threaten the sovereignty of the country.
"There is nothing at this point other than supporting the people and government of Venezuela against these destabilizing actions, (US) interference and aggression," Polanco said from the site of the embassy of the Caribbean island.
The diplomat noted that Latin America lives "a new era of integration" and stressed that Venezuela has been a leader in this regard.
"It is increasingly present the attempt of ending with the Venezuelan efforts of building a new society, achieve justice and prosperity for all," he said, while considered as essential the support of the peoples of the world to Venezuela.
In this regard, he stressed that the rejection by the Non-Aligned Movement to the interference of the US government in the country "highlights the wide solidarity of the countries of the world with Venezuela."
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