Cuba won’t tolerate any kind of subversive activity

After describing secret project Zunzuneo (or the Cuban Twitter), recently uncovered by press agency AP, as one of the variants of the so-called soft blows, the daily notes that such program it’s not the only one of that kind that has been designed by the US government against Cuba recently.
According to Granma, the million funds of USAID’s Cuba Program have been destined for similar initiatives such as Commotion, tool developed by the Open Technology Institute (OTI) of the New America Foundation, based in Washington, originally conceived for military use, and that consists in the creation of independent wireless mesh networks for electronic communication, outside any government control, which allows to misinform users about the situation in their country and to summon them to demonstrations.
The newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) also refers to other entities of the US government such as the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB), which carry out illegal projects like Piramideo, a communication platform that promotes mass messaging to users in our island.
The daily also notes that the Obama Administration has allocated USD 142 million and more than 777 million from the federal budget for these type of initiatives and Radio and TV Marti stations since the date of their creation.
Likewise the daily assures that the US government “also provides full support to the project of counterrevolutionary blogger Yoani Sanchez, to create a digital media outlet, which is fully funded with money from abroad and is mainly geared at feeding misinformation and defamation campaigns against Cuba.
After listing several actions against Cuba, which expose the double standard of the government that assures the promotion of these kind of projects against Cuba seeks the free flow of information to the Cuban people, the Cuban daily concludes:
"Cuba won’t tolerate any kind of subversive activity or meddling in its internal affairs and, as a sovereign country, it will continue defending itself and denouncing the interfering nature of these programs”.
Jorge Mesa / Translated by Cubasi Translation Staff
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