The Right to Education Guaranteed

The Right to Education Guaranteed
Fecha de publicación: 
15 December 2014
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Cuba, in the field of education, has a privileged position, hence international organizations such as UNESCO recognize the country with a high educational development.The island encourages preventive approach regarding education and social reintegration to avoid delinquency, the preventive work in schools focuses on facing the use of drugs and psychotropic drugs, elimination of inappropriate social behavior, good use of the mother tongue education in ethical values and the development of responsible sexual behavior.

The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988, Leon M. Lederman, said: “It is urgent to improve education. One important thing is that when the teenager is graduated from junior high school may have a scientific way of thinking, regardless of profession to be chosen later…”

In Cuba this is a reality and not just in this teaching level, a real educational revolution has happened here.

We can mention several examples like creating schools of art instructors, including computing learning from preschool age that constitutes a new and unique widespread experience due to its scientific and educational principles and concepts approached.

Moreover, special education ensures appropriate care to all children with physical disabilities or mental disorders that have the possibility of studying, for which at present, there are 14,600 teachers and specialists. Others are tutored by itinerant teacher.

That’s why the World Association of Special Education (AMEE) conferred the World Hope Award to Cuba’s Ministry of Education (MINED), by virtue of the work that this organization has deployed during 50 years for children, adolescents and youth with disabilities.

The introduction of new methods for the treatment of autistic children, deaf-blind and those with cochlear implant is highlighted within the special education.

In Cuba despite the ruthless imperialist blockade the program to repair schools does not stop, which has provided a strong stimulus to raising the quality of education in all provinces.

Another strength of the education system in Cuba is the qualified training of teachers committed to teaching high-quality-classes by means of the most modern audiovisual means.

The name Cuba is recognized in the field of education and in other areas and this December 10, the Human Rights Day, we can say that the country has already achieved Objective No.1 that deals with to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; No. 2, to achieve universal primary education; and No. 4 posed reduce the mortality of children under five. Further it advances significantly at No. 3 on promoting gender equality and empowerment of women.

The country not only protects the rights of its own people, it shows that education is universal and free also outside borders, one example is the program “Yes I Can”, which has already reached 30 nations where more than eight million people in almost every continent have been taught.

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