Cuba Continues Preparations for Constitutional Referendum

Preparations for a referendum continue on Monday in Cuba, where its inhabitants are convened to vote on February 24 to ratify the new Constitution.
The Constitution -approved in December by the People's Power National Assembly (Parliament)- is already in printed, digital formats and as a mobile application.
The options that each Cuban citizen has to know, read and study in a conscious way the future law of laws are opened.
Different sources state that as a example of the extraordinary interest the Draft Constitutional process arouses in the population, about 1,531,149 copies of the document have already been sold.
The 'Federico Engels' Graphic Arts Company printed a total of 3,100,000 copies of the Constitution's tabloids, and they were distributed in the country's all municipalities by Correos de Cuba company.
Raul Palmero, president of the Federation of University Student (FEU), posted on Twitter that nearly 9,000 university students were committed themselves as voluntary collaborators to guarantee the quality and transparency of the consultation.
Meanwhile, the Identification, Immigration and Foreign Affairs Direction of the Ministry of the Interior continues works related to the electoral registration.
Colonel Mario Mendez explained that the State accepts responsibility and guarantees that all citizens over 16 years of age can have the right to vote.
Our mission is that no Cuban eligible to vote is outside the list, the colonel said.
More than eight million Cubans are called to ratify on February 24 the new Constitution of the Republic approved on December 22 by the People's Power National Assembly.
The Constitution ratifies Cuba's socialist nature and the leading role of the Communist Party in its society.
It also reflects changes in the structure of the State, extends guarantees and human rights, promotes foreign investment, and recognizes several forms of property, including private property.
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