USA: Poor, Like Invisible
Neither this pandemic of the new coronavirus, nor the economic crises, nor the threats of a nuclear hecatomb, which would kill everyone equally, have prevented the growth of the gap between rich and poor, summarized in this phrase by the second richest man in States United, Warren Buffett: "In fact, there has been a class struggle ... and my class has won."
It’s also valid a trite question from the French economist Maurice Allais about how many poor people it takes to make one rich.
Let's remember that back at the Great Depression of 1929, many bankers committed suicide, but in 2008 their losses were compensated by the establishment with the money of the North American taxpayers.
In short, they weren’t allowed to be poor - or suicidal - in a United States with a growing number of families living in misery and in the rest of the world with hundreds of millions of people threatened to die of starvation, even in places where there’s development, abundant food and water and the worsening of climate change is not yet that obvious.
This sums up the justification behind all economic systems based on the exploitation of human labor and class warfare, in which the North American oligarchy is the spearhead since the Ronald Reagan time in office and reached unsuspected heights in Donald Trump's.
He gave neoliberalism a low blow, when he relinquished Obama’s treaties with nations of the Pacific and Europe, but this did not bring along the well-being of the dispossessed classes, but the joy of those who are already wealthy and are not satisfied yet, but live and exploit in and from the United States.
My thing first, said Trump, some of his phrases that revitalized the domineering and aggressive Monroe Doctrine, which made Latin America its “back yard”, but with the addition to impoverishing the peoples of this and other continents, which helps to nurture those super-rich that are at the top of the social pyramid, the 1% that takes over most of the world's wealth.
Particularly in the U.S., with conventional figures, the 1% owns more than 20% of the total wealth of all North American households, that is almost 90% of the poorest families, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Grabiel Zedman.
In the United States, that 1% has an industry to satisfy them. For example, The New York Times sponsored the International Luxury Conference, which addressed "the most critical challenges on the luxury battlefield today," and commented that with "rigorous analysis and cross-border debate" between CEO’s, economists and icons of the world of entertainment and sports, “crucial fresh ideas and new strategies were offered to win the hearts and minds of luxury consumers”.
To the "delicacy" of the Times is added the "pity" for some who suffer from guilt for their wealth, they feel isolated and even discriminated, say "rich therapists", according to a report by "The Guardian."
As wealthy people seek therapy to address their problems, one out of six North Americans struggle with hunger, some 50 million live in poverty, and the figures are rising; millions work for a minimum wage that cannot cover the basic food basket for a family, and everyone's debts multiply.
While some rich have to hide, millions of poor are forced to live invisibly in the United States.
Translated by: Amilkal Labañino Valdés / Cubasi Translation Staff
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