Duque: Deaf, Blind and Mute
I don’t know if I am misinformed or that I don’t have access to facts from this world and another, if there was any, but I haven’t found anywhere the official position of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, on the Peace Agreements signed four years ago in Havana by the previous government of Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, today a political party.
It’s known that, from the opposition, next to former president Álvaro Uribe, his mentor, Duque opposed the important agreement for the Colombian people, victims of a war that lasted more than 50 years; a position that both expressed, while they were welcomed by the reactionary supporters based in Miami, always led by people who, unfortunately, have Cuban origin.
Therefore, his refusal to receive the participants of a long line of social organizations seems out-of-the-world. The participants were mostly indigenous people, although he participated where there were former combatants, but the outcome was the same. Duque, as it’s rudely said, “ignore them completely."
Nor does it matter to him that social, peasant, and union leaders, as well as former members of the FARC-EP, who laid down their weapons are being systematically assassinated, without the perpetrators of the crimes being arrested, mainly in areas where transnational corporations and landowners intend to expand and strengthen their respective domains. On top of all that a large part of the nation is victim of constant massacres, where entire families die, to which Duque just said that it was a consequence of drug trafficking.
Fields that flourish, but this drug trafficking is increasingly flourishing, making Colombia the world's leading cocaine exporting country, when hundreds of U.S. soldiers are in that nation supposedly to help fight evil. In addition to the fact that production continues to increase and the most important crops are guarded by private armies, the government victimizes peasants to whom the peaceful agreements promised to help eradicate such crops with others that serve for popular nutrition.
The agreements have barely been fulfilled by a 10%, perhaps less, and they have no future, because Duque responds to large landowners who produce large incomes to his organization Centro Democrático and there’s no way they are going to peacefully give in the millions of hectares of land in their power, through an agrarian reform that benefits peasants who wander from place to place without a secure subsistence contract.
As for the crime methodology - which Duque and company stand by - it should not be surprising, since it’s the one that has been applied for more than half a century in the South American country. For example, in the genocide of the political party Unión Patriótica, perpetrated in just over a decade between the 1980s and 1990s, the more than 3,000 militants and sympathizers killed - possibly about 5,000 - the prosecution has acted on about 1,600 cases, just 137 of them have been solved, only in 98 of them have been attributed to paramilitary groups or army forces.
The strategy is clear, Colombia to the eyes of the world is a democracy, since it’s voted every four years; what remains without analysis are the conditions in which elections are held, and it’s the systematic murder of supporters of parties or political trends different from those defended by the traditional parties and their supposedly renovating breakouts, which is nothing but more of the same in the realm of the most reactionary right.
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