Corina?: Better La Macorina

Both are named Maria, one of them faithful to the practice exercised by the biblical Mary Magdalene, but the other, with more training, has been worse in human behavior, allowing the theft of the riches of her country, becoming a champion of the counterrevolution, always submissive to the enemies of her people and still unscathed by so many misdeeds pending accusation.
The first María, last names Calvo Nordarse, was a Cuban from Pinar del Río, Guanajay, who lived the first part of her 85-year-old life in misery, something that led her to prostitution so as not to die of hunger, and with such extraordinary beauty that she was able to exploit the richest men, including the president of the pseudo-republic José Miguel Gómez, nicknamed El Tiburón, to whom she remained faithful.
After her beauty declined, she abandoned the oldest female profession in the world at age 42, became the first female driver in Cuba and lived a modest life until her death in Havana on June 15, 1977, She was never known to denounced against the Cuban revolutionary process.
The Macorina was so popular that she not only has two songs and a painting by Cundo Bermúdez in her honor, but she was immortalized in the famous Bejucal bands, which are held in the month of December, where in the parades of characters a doll with a mask appeared under which was its creator, a bricklayer named Lorenzo Romero Miñoso. The Asturian Alfonso Camín wrote his famous poem "Macorina" about her (included in his book "Carey"), which the Costa Rican singer naturalized Mexican Chavela Vargas transformed into one of the best-known songs of her career.
María Corina Machado Parisca has always lived in opulence inside and outside her native Venezuela. This professional with great brightness unfortunately inclined towards evil, had twisted performances in which she was even pointed out as corrupt regarding the money granted by the State for school breakfast.
But, ultimately, the counterrevolutionary sponsorship and the tendency to exercise the commanding voice made her stand out among the worst of the opposition, winning figures before the North American imperialism to defenestrate the Bolivarian Revolution.
Such presentation disqualified her from holding political office for 15 years, when she was the standard-bearer of the far-right opposition to run as a presidential candidate. The decision in this regard by the National Electoral Council was endorsed by the Supreme Court of Justice, which in its decision exposed what María Corina Machado really represents: “Participant in the corruption plot orchestrated by the usurper Juan G. Antonio Guaidó M., which led to the criminal blockade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as well as the blatant plundering of the companies and wealth of the Venezuelan people abroad, with the complicity of corrupt governments.”
Although I’m not used to copying very extensive documents, the omissions and misrepresentations of the reactionary media at the service of imperialism, which are majority, make it important to try to make known a large part of the document issued by the Supreme Court of Justice:
“María Corina Machado Parisca, participant in the corruption plot orchestrated by the usurper Juan G. Antonio Guaidó M, which led to the criminal blockade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as well as the blatant plundering of the companies and wealth of the Venezuelan people abroad, with the complicity of corrupt governments, among which appear the handing over of the company CITGO HOLDING, INC and CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATION with an approximate worth of 34 billion dollars to the Canadian company CRISTALLEX for 1.5 billion dollars, which caused damage to the patrimony of the Nation for 32.5 billion dollars. The delivery of the Company MONÓMEROS COLOMBO VENEZOLANOS, S.A., which was sent into bankruptcy, the kidnapping and theft of 31,000 tons of Venezuelan gold () Concluding that the blockade requested by MARÏA CORINA MACHADO PARISCA, in collusion with the usurper Juan G. Antonio Guaidó M., among others, has generated the kidnapping of four billion dollars retained in the international banking system () has requested the application of sanctions and economic blockade that caused damage to Venezuelan health () It also generates the impossibility of buying antiretroviral drugs to guarantee treatment for more than 60 thousand HIV-AIDS patients, and that includes vaccines for children and adolescents () has not allowed some 300 thousand doses of insulin to reach the country () Likewise, said citizen failed to comply with the provisions established in article 191 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which provides that deputies to the National Assembly may not hold or accept public office without losing their position, except in teaching, academic, accidental or assistance activities, provided that they do not entail exclusive dedication, since she accepted accreditation as an alternate representative of the delegation of the Republic of Panama to the Organization of American States (OAS) as of March 20, 2014, thus losing her position as Deputy to the National Assembly. Consequently, since this request does not comply with the requirements established and required in the Barbados Agreement signed on October 17, 2023, citizen MARÍA CORINA MACHADO PARISCA is DISQUALIFIED from exercising public functions for a period of fifteen (15) years, in accordance with Resolution number 01-00-000285, dated September 16, 2021, issued by the GENERAL COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC, an investigation that was initiated in May 2014 and where precautionary measures were taken. Without prejudice to the criminal and pecuniary actions to which their actions may have given rise."
In addition, the opposition leader and other of her collaborators could be charged with the death of 25 people, after the demonstrations against the election results.
It’s known that some opposition elements have left the country, as well as the aforementioned successor, the former CIA agent and defeated presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who has already packed his bags to flee at any moment. probably to Miami.
Meanwhile, from outside Venezuela, safely, the standard-bearer of imperialism and once its recognized president, Juan G. Guaidó, continues giving instructions so that “everyone continues to support María Corina.”
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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