Lat. Am Progressive Governments Concerned About Peruvian Crisis

Lat. Am Progressive Governments Concerned About Peruvian Crisis
Fecha de publicación: 
13 December 2022
Imagen principal: 

On Dec. 7, Pedro Castillo was impeached by Congress, charged with rebellion, and sent to prison.

On Monday, the governments of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and Argentina released a joint statement demanding respect for the popular will in Peru and the rights of former President Pedro Castillo.

RELATED: Cusco on Strike as Boluart Toughens Repression in Peru

"It is not news to the world that, from the day of his election, President Castillo was the victim of undemocratic harassment, which violated Article 23 of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights," states the joint statement issued by the Colombian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The four governments also explained that, during most of his 16-month administration , Castillo was the object of judicial treatment that also violated article 25 of that convention.

"Our governments call on all the actors involved in the previous process to prioritize the will of the citizens that was pronounced at the polls. That is the way to interpret the scope and meaning of the notion of democracy included in the Inter-American Human Rights System."

"We urge those who make up the institutions to refrain from reversing the popular will expressed through free suffrage. We request that the authorities fully respect the human rights of President Castillo and guarantee him judicial protection," the joint statement added.

In July 2021, Pedro Castillo assumed the presidency of Peru for a five-year term. On Dec. 7, however, he was impeached by Congress, charged with rebellion, and sent to prison.

Since then, Peruvians have staged massive protests against President Dina Boluart, demanding early general elections. So far, police repression has left 7 people dead.

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