ITCs…Good or Bad?


ITCs…Good or Bad?
Fecha de publicación: 
27 December 2022
Imagen principal: 

There is a debate among us, men and women of our era: Are Information and Communication Technologies (ITCs) good or bad?

The evolution of mankind had never known the development of today’s social networking, especially when high advanced technology has boosted new trends in the communication processes between people.

In this regard, devices such as mobile telephones, PCs, iPad, tablets, smartwatch, among others, allow communication between individuals, regardless of geographical distances. Thanks to these technologies, we can connect with family and friends worldwide.

Another unavoidable functionality of ICTs is their usefulness in teleworking or distance work practices, whose origin in the 1970s is precisely linked to their development. In general, the incorporation of these modern devices to the activities of the economy, commerce and services promotes efficiency.

They can also be used in health systems. Meanwhile, its implementation at different educational levels favors didactics, as well as access to research and knowledge.

However, the current scenario is not free of contradictions. It is true that our society is the most connected in human history; but, for some, only superficially. Experts on this subject have warned: ICT influence some individuals to become more introverted. In turn, its excessive usage threatens the performance of other daily activities that, despite their importance, sometimes end up being postponed or neglected.

In any case, ICTs are neutral a priori. They are not bad or good just for the sake of it. Its use depends on the human being. We are the ones who can give it a positive or negative usage.

So, the debate on the subject deserves a greater presence in the media and educational spaces.

Reflecting on the relevance of ICT, its potential and unfavorable implications would be appropriate. This would contribute to increasing the necessary citizen knowledge on the matter.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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