Majority of Spaniards Perceive Local Political Situation as Bad


Majority of Spaniards Perceive Local Political Situation as Bad
Fecha de publicación: 
6 December 2016
Imagen principal: 

Despite the end of the prolonged political blocking and the formation of government, almost 75 percent of the citizens considered the political sitation in Spain as a bad situation, reported an official survey Monday.

According to the survey from the Center for Sociological Investigations (CIS), conducted from November 1 to 11, 74.3 percent of the respondents perceived the situation as bad (35.6) or very bad (38.7), when they were the 88.1 percent, a month earlier.

The CIS developed its traditional monthly barometer two days after Mariano Rajoy, of the conservative Popular Party, was vested on October 29 for a second presidential mandate, which put an end to more than 10 months of institutional paralysis in this European country.

Despite the better perception, still two of each three Spanish considered the politicalsituation as bad or very bad, and just a 3.5 percent qualifies it as good, while for 19.6 percent, is regular.

The sample of November, shows unemployment remains at the head of the main concerns, with 72.9 percent - up nearly two points compared to October-, followed by corruption, a scourge which is mentioned by 36.1 percent of the 2,487 consulted people.

The parties and the political class were, with 29.5 percent, the third more designated unease by the Spanish people and the economic problems classified in the fourth, since they were mentioned by the 23.9 percent of the surveyed.

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