TV Stations, the Big Winners in U.S. Elections


TV Stations, the Big Winners in U.S. Elections
Fecha de publicación: 
8 November 2016
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Washington, Nov 8 (Prensa Latina) The big TV stations are the main winners in the presidential elections in the United States, with estimated revenues of billions of dollars.

According to the website The Hill, the upset caused by both Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump have provided prime material to the big media organizations, whose news coverage resembles a bad but entertaining soap opera.

However, such news coverage has been as rejected as the candidates to the White House, because, according to a joint survey by The Wall Street Journal and NBC, only 19 percent of U.S. adults approve of the coverage.

In addition, one third of U.S. citizens believe in the press, according to a Gallup poll in September, while Republican voters strongly think that their candidate is a victim of prejudices.

Such a fall in credibility contrasts with an increase in TV viewing rates and revenues, as shown by nearly one billion dollars of net profits that CNN will report in 2016, according to The Washington Post.

It is the largest profit reported by CNN in 36 years, while the coverage of the elections by its rival, Fox, exceeded the broadcasts of college American football and the Major Leagues' playoffs.

Last year, Fox made 2.3 billion dollars by concept of advertisements, plus 1.6 billion dollars more in profits by its associated company 21st Century Fox, and according to the firm SNL Kagan, profits will be higher in 2016.

Although the trend is positive among TV stations, the written media, in particular the newspapers, have reduced the number of issues and have lost clients to advertise, therefore money.

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