Bernie Sanders Says Hillary Clinton is Not Qualified to Be President


Bernie Sanders Says Hillary Clinton is Not Qualified to Be President
Fecha de publicación: 
7 April 2016
Imagen principal: 

These are considered the strongest statements by Sanders against his rival Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders offered some harsh words about his opponent Hillary Clinton at a rally in Philadelphia Wednesday, questioning her qualifications to be president of the United States.

“She has been saying lately that she thinks I am quote unquote unqualified to be president. Well let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton, I don’t believe that she is qualified," Sanders said to over 10,000 of his supporters at the Liacouras Center at Temple University. “I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is through her super PAC taking tens of million of dollars in special interest funds. I don’t think that you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC.”

These are considered the strongest statements yet against his rival, the former secretary of state and former New York senator. This comes right after Sanders easily won the Wisconsin Democratic primary after trailing Clinton by 53 points in the polls just six months earlier.

Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist candidate from the liberal state of Vermont, has emerged for many as the best option for progressive change and has proven his success among young and progressive voters across the United States.

“I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq,” Sanders said, reminiding voters of an issue that haunted Clinton when she ran for president against then Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The Sanders campaign also sent out an email saying that Clinton was not worried about party unity and called Clinton’s strategy “disturbing.”

In response, Clinton’s press secretary said she has never made any statements about Sanders being unqualified, and Sanders had hit “a new low.”

Sanders and Clinton agreed will meet face-to-face in a debate on April 14 in Brooklyn, five days before New York holds its Democratic primary when 291 delgates are up for grabs.

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