Fidel and his people


Fidel and his people
Fecha de publicación: 
24 November 2017
Imagen principal: 

Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro has, and will always be, alongside his people, whether on a march, during an encounter with campesinos, or visiting a school.

“We are, quite simply, a people that have known how to respond to the moment we are living (…) a people that, when required, was able to give all of its heroism, tenacity, and bravery…

Photo: Juvenal Balán

“And our people is one of those peoples that never trembles in the face of sacrifice, it is one of those peoples that never wavered before the price they were forced to pay for their dignity and freedom…”

Fidel, Celia Sánchez, Antonio Núñez Jiménez, Pedro Miret and other compañeros at a Christmas Eve dinner in 1959 at the home of Rogelio García, charcoal worker from the Soplillar Cooperative in Ciénaga de Zapata. Photo: Archive

Fidel speaking with a group of campesinos. Photo: Naon

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