Donald Trump: His new risky setback


Donald Trump: His new risky setback
Fecha de publicación: 
30 November 2017
Imagen principal: 

Miami Diario website informed on Tuesday that a federal judge decided to override President Trump’s order to deny funds for “sanctuary cities.”

The judge, William Orrick, of the San Francisco Courtroom in California, who temporarily blocked the executive order deemed as unconstitutional.

Orrick said the head of state cannot impose new conditions to funds previously approved by US Congress.

The Department of Justice of that country issued a communiqué, where it stated that “Orrick exceeded his authority” by blocking Trump’s order.

Therefore, it appealed the ruling before the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court headquartered in San Francisco, court below the Supreme Court.

That order was issued during Donald Trump’s first week in the White House geared at stopping the migratory flow.

What are “sanctuary cities”?

They are those cities that treat immigrants with fewer rigors, that is, cities that limit just how much local law enforcement officials comply with federal immigration authorities.

Those places are under the scrutiny of the government and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has dedicated substantial efforts to eliminate them.

Among the cities with those characteristics are for example: Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, administered by the Democratic Party.

It’s timely to recall that the said executive order establishes the reduction of the federal budget for those cities, in case they reject to pursue and arrest the immigrants.

Under it, Trump approves that local authorities act as immigration officers up to the maximum range allowed by the law.

In United States there are more than 300 sanctuary cities that somehow protect the illegal aliens who live there.

Then, as El País daily drew attention in its European edition last April, now it is the fourth time in which this executive order is blocked in the courts.

In other words, a huge setback for both President Donald Trump and his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

Dangerous road that could lead the head of state to a juncture with an almost impossible exit.

Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / Cubasi Translation Staff

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