A referendum, lots of learnings

The Referendum for the Family Code as an unprecedented democratic exercise in Cuba’s constitutional history has come to an end.
And beyond results —no doubts they will be critical for every inhabitant in this island— is important to review every step on the way of this process, which ended on Sunday September 25 and left valuable learnings.
All the previous steps that led to the 25th and last version of this regulatory document, including the Popular Consultation, left us a great and also unprecedented portrait of the Cuban society, made up of the opinions of the population, experts, as well as the very different and moving testimonials and life stories of several individuals.
The professionals of Social Sciences in Cuba as well as professionals from other fields and directors and leaders, now treasure with such portrait a valuable compass to continue investigating the whys, the hows, and above all, to devise strategies aimed at improving the life quality of Cubans. This is another tool to govern from a scientific approach.
The fact that all Cubans can feel they are part of this norm is another positive effect out of this process, from the elaboration of the rules to the Referendum. The prevailing educational sense is also one built by all.
Also, as a result of this process, we already have a society that has more knowledge to be fairer because, in the process, we all learned about diversity, anguish, rights, and the value of respect for human dignity.
At the same time, the legal culture of Cuban men and women was also enriched as never before because the theory connected with their own experiences or those of others in unforgettable ways.
And that legal culture will allow us to better understand, according to the professor, the laws that are yet to come, those that remain in the legal package approved by the deputies, which are still paramount to citizens.
An important and essential prologue to this democratic exercise was that carried out by the population in 2019, when the new Constitution was voted in a constitutional referendum. That exercise made it possible to successfully prepare the popular consultation, and also the consultation of specialists on the Code.
These consultations decisively helped those who drafted this legal norm, nourishing them with that collective knowledge and also evidencing the heterogeneity of criteria and critical thinking that distinguish today’s Cuban society.
Parents learned from children; the grandparents, from their grandchildren; heterosexuals, from those who have other sexual orientations… In a mixture of affection and respect around the process that led to the Popular Referendum for the Family Code. We all grew as human beings.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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