Do They Really Can’t Perceive the Risk?


Do They Really Can’t Perceive the Risk?
Fecha de publicación: 
21 August 2020
Imagen principal: 

I heard a doctor declare that the issue is not a lack of risk perception, and I belive he is right.

At this point, anyone who doesn’t know or has perceived the risk the new coronavirus poses is not from this planet.

The information circulating today in Cuba and the world about SARS-Cov2 is widespread. Whatever button you press, either the TV remote control, the radio, the cell phone, the PC, the laptop, the tablet… the first thing you hear or see is about the darn virus.

Also for those with hearing or visual limitations there are alternatives that allow them to be informed, and you even see the little children on television talking about the virus and even showing drawings on the gruesome subject.

So, the increase in infections, the lack of restrain, doesn’t seem to be due to the lack of risk perception, knowledge about the deadly consequences the virus entails.

It’s rather the unconsciousness, huge egoism, a total disinterest for the other that truly terrifies.

Because if someone thinks they are invulnerable or they don't mind getting infected, it could be a strictly personal matter there would be no reason to meddle or even comment on it, if those behaviors only affected them.

But those decisions happen to affect many. That’s why we have to intervene and stop them.

As the reason for such behaviors lays in the lack of consideration, solidarity, awareness - not in a low risk perception -, then, to what extent is it effective to appeal to civility, to civic behavior?

Perhaps it would be convenient, along with persuasion, to strengthen more the actions that force discipline, not to leave things all to good will.

I have personally lived it. Just the other day, using all the decency possible, I addressed a group of boys who were playing basketball oblivious to everything, all of them not wearing a mask, and swirling around the basket, exchanging breaths and coughs like someone who shares a drink.

"Ma’am, but we are just us here!" they replied like someone who waves a fly and kept playing. Yes, it was just them; but when they get home then they will be with their parents, grandparents, little brothers; they will contact other friends, neighbors ... But they definitely don't care. Although they state they love them very much, they do not care about them at all.

Well, those who don't even care about their mothers, I would give them a very large fine. It’s true that fines are already being given, but they must be greater, and let those throw tantrums in the social networks talking about repression, abuse, and whatever comes to mind. They do it because no one close to them has been infected by an irresponsible person.

Remember how the issue of motorcycle helmets was solved in Cuba? There was not much fuss, not a single alert message circulated on cell phones. The police would simply not let a single person ride without a helmet, the word spread fast, and helmets appeared. Helmets by the way are much more expensive than a surgical mask.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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