Cuban President Diaz-Canel reaffirms international policy of peace


Cuban President Diaz-Canel reaffirms international policy of peace
Fecha de publicación: 
16 May 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, May 16 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Diaz-Canel reaffirmed on Monday that Cuba defends an international policy based on respect for sovereignty, peace and the peoples' right to development.

During the closing of the 5th extraordinary session of the National People’s Power Assembly (Parliament), in its 9th legislature, the Cuban head of State warned about the dangers that hover over humanity when trying to impose hegemony by force.

Diaz-Canel pointed out that the United States intends to divide the world between those who submit to its will and those who are determined to defend its sovereignty and rights, but he warned that the world scenario is not the same as that of the 1990s and it would be very dangerous to want to impose it.

The consequences of this policy are currently being paid for in Europe, with the unfortunate loss of human lives and the damage to the economy of all countries, he noted.

Cuba is committed to peace and sovereignty, said the president, adding that this is the guideline for the country’s international relations. He explained that in the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, Cuba maintains bonds of friendship and cooperation with all peoples, and supports regional integration, with respect for unity in diversity, the commitment to social justice and the declaration of the area as a zone of peace.

Diaz-Canel recalled the recent visits to Cuba by the prime ministers of Dominica and Belize, as well as the president of Mexico, meetings that allowed making progress in bilateral relations.

Cuba’s foreign policy will continue prioritizing the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States, as well as its constant denunciation in all scenarios, Diaz-Canel noted.

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