Ambassador condemns tightening of US blockade against Cuba


Ambassador condemns tightening of US blockade against Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
14 October 2020
Imagen principal: 
United Nations, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban ambassador to the UN, Ana Silvia Rodriguez, condemned the tightening of the US blockade against her country, a unilateral conduct contrary to the spirit of cooperation and solidarity.
During a virtual talk with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, Ana Silvia referred to the lack of real political will from the world's most powerful and richest country.

Instead of joining collective efforts amid current Covid-19 pandemic, the United States withdrew from the World Health Organization and privileges unilateralism, she stressed.

Likewise, she said, the United States takes advantage of present context to tighten its unilateral coercive measures, which have an undeniable and very negative impact on human rights.

Ana Silvia Rodríguez thanked Bachelet for her statement on March 23, on the need to lift sanctions amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ana Luisa also expressed her deep concern over the advance of punitive approaches, selective practices and double standards against South American nations, in opposition to General Assembly resolution 48/141.

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