2nd Latin American Animation Forum opens in Havana
In the context of the 45th Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana, the 2nd Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Animation "Juan Padron in Memoriam" was opened today at the Animation Studios of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (Icaic by its Spanish acronym), in Havana.
Ernesto Padron, organizer of the Forum, told the Cuban News Agency that 46 projects were presented, of which 15 will be advised in order to contribute to the development of young people in this art.
Padron pointed out among the main aspects to be addressed from the theoretical point of view, the production processes in animation, feature films in Latin America and innovative techniques in this genre, with the presence of renowned specialists from around the world and students of the International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños.
The event will also include the screening of short films from the region and the presentation of a grand prize, he added.
Alexis Triana, president of Icaic; Esther Hirtzel, director of the Animation Studios; Paola Becco and Cesar Cabral, also organizers of the Forum, attended the opening ceremony.
As part of the meeting, a tribute to Cuban cartoonist and filmmaker Juan Padron (1947-2020) will be held this Tuesday, in which specialist Silvia Padron will give a talk on the restoration and preservation of her father's graphic and audiovisual work, in addition to an exhibition of two short films by Elpidio Valdes recently restored by the Colombian Film Heritage Foundation.
The 2nd Latin American and Caribbean Animation Forum " Juan Padrón in Memoriam" will conclude on Thursday, December 12.
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