French and Cuban History Museums Sign Agreement

The Natural History Museum of Paris and its Cuban counterpart signed today here an agreement of collaboration destined to legalize the exchanges between both institutions.
On the French part the director of the French scientific entity in Paris, Bruno David; and the director of the National Museum of Natural History of Cuba (MNHN), Esther Pérez.
One of the objectives of the agreement, emphasizes the text, is to create an interrelation and scientific exchanges on the fauna and the flora of our country, Cuba.
Also, to develop joint research allowing to extend the collaboration, knowledge on botany, zoology, and ecology of the flora and the fauna of Cuba, inside the research projects planned by each of the institutions.
To join efforts, resources, scientific knowledge and joint technical staff, leading to the development of projects in the study of the collections of butterflies, chandeliers and birds of every institution, as well as the achievement of collection of specimens in Cuba to take part in the description of the fauna of every country, constitutes another of the targets.
The specialists' exchange will provide information by means of chats, workshops and seminars; as well as achievement of joint exhibitions with shared histories about the investigated groups; incorporation in the exhibitions of technologies or other interactive elements that facilitate the interaction with the visitor.
For the director of the MNHN the agreement is important, since a joint work exists with the Parisian entity, which hoards Cuban collections deposited by the Cuban naturalist of French ancestry Felipe Poey (1799-1891).
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