US Determined to Increase Aggressiveness towards Cuba, F.M. States


US Determined to Increase Aggressiveness towards Cuba, F.M. States
Fecha de publicación: 
9 January 2019
Imagen principal: 

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez insisted today that the U.S. government seems determined to escalate its hostility against the island.

In his Twitter account, the diplomat specified that the course of confrontation that Washington seems to assume 'not only marks a serious setback in the bilateral relationship, but also poses new risks and dangers, in which additional blockade measures against Cuba are expected'.

In this way, Rodriguez reiterated his denunciation the day before, when she took part in the program Mesa Redonda of the national television to present a summary about the behavior of the Cuban foreign policy in 2018 and the projections for 2019.

According to the Foreign Minister, in this hostile scenario, marked by the intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade that has been in force for almost six decades, some favorable factors are preserved, derived from the rapprochement announced in December 2014 by those who were the presidents at that time, Raúl Castro and Barack Obama.

In this way, Rodriguez reiterated his denunciation the day before, when she took part in the program Mesa Redonda of the national television to present a summary about the behavior of the Cuban foreign policy in 2018 and the projections for 2019.

According to the Foreign Minister, in this hostile scenario, marked by the intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade that has been in force for almost six decades, some favorable factors are preserved, derived from the rapprochement announced in December 2014 by those who were presidents at that time, Raul Castro and Barack Obama.

In this regard, he mentioned the existence and wounded and injured functioning of both Embassies', referring to decisions by the current administration - led by President Donald Trump - to limit the work of diplomatic headquarters with the withdrawal of U.S. officials from Havana and the expulsion of Cuban personnel from Washington.

Yesterday, the minister recalled Cuba's willingness to coexist in a civilized manner with the United States, manifested last Tuesday by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Raul Castro, in his address to the central rally for the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution.

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