Jhoen Lefont Ends 2018 with Two New Records

Jhoen Lefont Ends 2018 with Two New Records
Fecha de publicación: 
4 December 2018
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A yearend at full speed for Jhoen Lefont. He returned to his spot at the Swimming Pool Complex Baraguá, home when he was still a member of the national water polo team and he gave two world records for ball control lovers who gathered to see him.

These are two modalities associated to displacement: first he covered the 50 meters of the Olympic pool in 1:16.44 minutes, and then he covered that same pool 325 meters.

That was his gift for the 325th anniversary of the foundation of Matanzas, his home province, to the day of physical culture and sports, to the 499th anniversary of the village San Cristobal of Havana.

These are his fourth and fifth records in 2018, numbers 14 and 15 since he began this unique modality in 2010, and a new surge of energy and motives.

“This means a lot to me. It’s the first time that I attempt five records and achieved them in one year. A hard year, because they were five different modalities therefore I am very happy.

I was well prepared, mainly for the second record. The first one was short, less than a minute and half. The second was very well prepared, each detail: the turn, the touch against the wall of the pool, the estimated time… I was really comfortable, actually.”

“The complexities now were the turn, the touch against the wall. At the Marina that day there was a lot of wind hitting the channel. We didn't know if we would make it. It was a difficult record. Now I practiced more the control, I have attained certain mastery in the kick and control.

This is a competitive scenario where neither the sun neither or air are hindrances, that’s good. It’s like being home because here I always get ready for each new record. I wanted to pay homage to Matanzas in October, but I still wasn’t at my best. Just the same the objective was fulfilled. The second is for the 500th years of Havana in 2019 I want to present the city with 500 touches at some point in the Bay of my second city.”

Attaining four Guinness Records. What sensations does it bring?

“Super Happy. Achieving a Guinness is not simple. You must meet many requirements to make it good. They are very strict and you must be careful when gathering and sending all the information that is prove of truth of the attempt.”

Those were the words of the dolphin of soccer. His coach, Jorge del Valle who works also as water polo trainer for the women team was satisfied and said:

“Lefont has exceptional skills in the water. We focused in the physical work, the aerobic capacities, to polish his turning technique with the ball on his forehead, many simulations without timing them. It was a distance modality. The strengthening of the upper body was decisive.

Right now he can even attempt a record on solid ground, because he is fit for it. Douglas taught him well in that sense, and so far he hasn’t disappointed.

More records from the head of this son of Matanzas. Year 2018 is drawing to an end and one of the best images is that kiss to the Telstar-18, signing that new records were achieved with just subtle touches.

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