Pittsburgh Declares July 30 as Day of Friendship for Cuba and the US


Pittsburgh Declares July 30 as Day of Friendship for Cuba and the US
Fecha de publicación: 
29 July 2016
Imagen principal: 

Upcoming July 30 will be declared the Day of Friendship between Cuba and the US, according to an agreement adopted by the Council of the US city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The proposal was sponsored by councilwoman Natalie Rudiak, who counted on the support of Bruce Kraus, President of the Council, and council delegates Ricky V. Burgess, Daniel Gilman, Deborah L. Gross, Darlene M. Harris, Teresa Kail-Smith, R. Daniel Lavelle, and Corey O'Connor.

The election of the date, corresponds to the fact that on July 30, there will be a friendly dual meet between the national boxing teams of Cuba and the US, which has been called as "The Match of the Century."

The agreement was issued on July 19 and recognizes the decision was taken on the basis that "Cuba is a small island with nearly 12 million inhabitants, resisting the US economic, commercial and financial blockade for more than half a century, with tremendous consequences for the Cuban people and its development as a nation."

Also it was taken into consideration that since 1998, the cities of Pittsburgh and Matanzas are joined in a brotherhood of cities, what allows to promote the friendship and the fellowship based on civil diplomacy.

Another element that the Pittsburgh councilmen defended was that, since December 17, 2014, the North American President, Barack Obama, and his Cuban counterpart, Raúl Castro, announced a "new age in the relations and the reestablishment of a bilateral dialogue as regards the sovereignty of both nations".

The American politicians also flare-up to eliminate all the restrictions of trip to Cuba imposed on the citizens of the United States, and to extend the open exchange of ideas, business opportunities, traded just, responsible investment, energy innovation, cooperation in disasters, environmental management, and in the innovative medical advances.

The sports meeting between boxers of both nations will take the Roberto Clemente Bridge as a stage, where a boxing ring will be settle outdoors to carry the combats out.

A total of 2,500 invitations became exhausted already and the meeting will be broadcast live for the residents of the city by a local chain and account with the support of the American federal conferee Mike Doyley, the member of the Council of the County of Allegheny, Rich Fitzgerald, and it is organized by the Hibernian Celtic Athletic Fund of Pittsburgh and the Association of Brotherhood Cities Pittsburgh-Matanzas.

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