Zoe Saldana Questions Hollywood Academy

Zoe Saldana Questions Hollywood Academy
Fecha de publicación: 
15 July 2016
Imagen principal: 

Los Angeles, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) US actress Zoe Saldana has questioned the reasons behind the awards granted by the Academy of Hollywood, which she claims are today influenced by external interests.

Adding that the Oscars no longer interest her, she stated that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States system is marked by relationships, personal judgments and other kinds of interests.

"Only a few people have the power to determine who is worthy of the awards," she said.

"I respect what the Academy should represent, but is not balanced nor clean. I do not need to be accepted by them," she told the press.

According to the actress,38, her films make people happy, "if nobody watched my films, then I would have to change something," said the acclaimed star of Avatar, Guardians Of The Galaxy and Star Trek.

Recently, the president of the Academy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, announced changes that will hopefully lead to a transformation. Invitations were sent to 683 film personalities from around the world asking them to join the US group composed of just over 6,200 specialists.

However, this year those who voted for the Oscar nominations had an average age of 62 years, 94 percent were white and 77 percent men.

In this edition, the race for the golden statuette was tempered by racial controversy; for the second consecutive year, no black actor was among the nominees. After protests, the academy promised to take action.

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