Coalition Unidos Podemos Would be Second in Spanish Elections

The inquiry elaborated by the company NC Report for the mentioned rightwing newspaper, that Alliance -sealed a week ago by the groupings Izquierda Unida (IU) and Podemos would be supported by 24.9 percent of electors.
The Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) which in the elections of last December 20 came in second, barely behind the conservative Partido Popular (PP) would come in third with 21.0 percent of the ballots.
The survey of NC Report, first which includes Unidos Podemos, predicts a technical tie in number of seats between the emergent left list and PSOE, progressive referent in Spain since the transition to democracy in Spain.
The study, carried out between May 9 and 12 which involved 1500 interviews, gives the association of IU and Podemos (centerleft) and its convergents in Catalonia, Galicia and Valencia from 76 to 81 seats at the Congress of Deputies.
The socialists, for their part, would obtain between 80 and 84 benches in the Lower Chamber, of a total of 350 members, he added.
However, the technical tie will occur in the future hemicycle because as for votes, Unidos Podemos certainly displaces the Social Democrat party with a difference of over 909 thousand votes difference, said the inquiry.
If elections were held today, the PP of acting president Mariano Rajoy, would again be the most voted political party with 30.2 percent of support, that would give it between 125 and 130 seats in Congress, indicated the survey.
This would suppose a rise of two to seven deputies compared to the elections five months ago, although again they would remain far from the 176 seats established as absolute majority to stay in power.
The PP however, would lose a quarter of a million votes that would not be translated into a loss of deputies due to the lower participation.
The index of participation is estimated in 63.8 percent and abstention at 36.2.
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