Haiti: Perpetual Drowning

From the fact as the first nation that achieved its independence from colonial power, Haiti was a danger to the powerful who have always tried to bend the desire for freedom of the peoples.
Hence, all schemes fell on a republic lead by the blacks who had until that moment enslaved by the French domination; thus Portuguese and Spanish colonizers who wanted to avoid that example, with the backdrop of an nascent American imperialism that advocated its control over everything that seemed part of his "backyard."
Thus it invaded every time it felt like, placing puppets in power, laying the foundations for the black nation to never raise its head.
Haiti’s early independence (1804) had marked a milestone in the history of oppressed peoples. The rebellion of the "black Jacobins" against French colonialism left an indelible mark with deep implications over time. Haiti became an inspiration model for revolutionaries of the world who tried to follow their example.
..., the price to pay for its historical boldness proved, however, too high to assume. International isolation and colonial legacy ruined the country. The "independence debt" dragged a state unable to subsist on its own (less than 15% of the earth is arable in Haiti). This indelible heritage generated monsters.
Among those elements complied to be at the service of the United States, Francois Duvalier stood out with his “ton ton macoutes”-the boogie man -and although the criminal dictator disappeared and subsequently his heir, Jean Claude-the spirit of the group of murderers was impregnated in following governances, almost all failed, attached to the gifts and imperial money, with total abandonment of a people who, also a victim of serious natural disasters, saw how his spirit of seeking well-being was devastated by chaos that proliferate hundreds of Gangs that have taken anarchy to the country.
The murder of its most recent constitutional president and the subordinate nature of those who replaced him have worsened an already extremely bad situation.
Remedy Worse than Disease?
If the main plots against Haiti have been generated in the United States -such as invasions and murders of discordant figures -has also been the most recent to go to military elements to try to forcibly appease what can’t be pacified.
The mission led by Kenya that the Biden government created and financed has been a disappointment. Few countries contributed money, forcibly leaving less than 400 police officers, much less than the planned 2,500.
Trump has made derogatory comments about Haiti, and many people believe he will force Kenyans to leave as soon as he takes office.
Jamaica and Belize have also sent military to the place and more are expected from several nations, even 200 designated by Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, who clarified that their soldiers will have a humanitarian mission and will not make use of force.
Meanwhile, Western media call to be especially hard against what they call criminal gangs that control almost 90% of the Port-au-Prince, the capital.
The number of children recruited by armed groups in Haiti grew 70% in the last 12 months, the United Nations Childhood Fund (UNICEF) reported on November 25. The agency added that unprecedented figures account for the deterioration of childhood protection amid the escalation of violence in the Caribbean country.
"Haiti's children are trapped in a vicious circle: they are recruited by the same armed groups that feed their despair, and their number is increasing (...), chaos and horror have become part of everyday life "Unicef's executive director, Catherine Russell warned.
According to the report, 1.2 million children live under constant threat of armed violence in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. In addition, it’s estimated that 25% of the 703,000 internal to minors, exposed to terrible conditions and multiple threats.
Something Usual
Unfortunately, many of the amounts of financial aid and material committed by the international community for Haiti, as a development help and to deal with the effects of natural disasters, were insufficient, were not given, or were absorbed for the expenses of several Foreign non -governmental organizations and the programs execution agencies. On many occasions, the will of Haitian authorities or the priorities they established was not respected.
In addition, several experts in Haiti underlined that the United States should do more to end the flow of weapons from their coasts to Haiti. Regardless of the fact that the solution is a total embargo on harder weapons or sanctions against people known for financing and controlling gangs, they agreed that the crisis will not end until great power weapons are out of the streets.
"This is what Haitians have been constantly saying:" We do not produce weapons, "said Nathalie Frédéric Pierre, Haiti expert at Howard University. "This is what’s suffocating our society," she added.
In this context and as a result of the extension of violence, Cuba has been forced to withdraw the members of the medical mission who was exercising their functions for several years.
... Those who direct the official repression actions point out that military efforts must be directed mainly against a nine-band alliance, the so -called "G9 Family and Allies", directed by Jimmy Héritier, nicknamed "Barbecue", former police officer.
Another head of one of the bands, Guy Philippe, who proposes a “council of wise” of the different areas of the country, in addition to considering that international interventions have undermined the State and created the conditions for armed groups to be able to thrive.
"It’s because of the inheritance of a non-sustainable status, established by foreign interventions, and of which a large part of the population has been left out and being unable to see another option," he considered, to finally affirm:
"And it’s not that everyone who takes a weapon does it because that’s his first option, but it’s a context where there are very few opportunities."
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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