RDC at the UN Rejects the Hate Speeches and the Theft of Resources

The president of the Democratic People’s Republic of the Congo, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, defended on Wednesday multilateralism and respect for a rules-based world, key issues to preserve global peace and prosperity, while rejecting the rise in speeches that promote armed aggression and the plunder of natural resources.
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The Special Representative spoke during the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN). In that scenario, he stressed that multilateralism is crucial at this critical stage to protect the planet, civil society and human rights.
He urged to practice it to solve conflicts such as that involving Russia and Ukraine, as well as to stop the current genocide in the Gaza Strip.
He said the UN is an indispensable actor in global challenges such as climate change, insecurity, pandemics and migration.
Called for the revitalization of multilateralism through reforms to key aspects of the Charter of the United Nations on issues such as the Security Council, the right of veto and the use of force.
Requested that two permanent seats be created in the entity for African countries. Recalled that the DRC was a non-permanent member of the Council and requested the support of the international community for its re-election.
Called for closing the digital divide, which in his view is a major challenge and requires global reforms, including changing the current international financial architecture.
He expressed concern about the situation in eastern DRC due to the humanitarian crisis created by the armed group R23, linked to Rwanda, whose attacks and crimes have caused more than seven million displaced persons.
He called for sanctions against Rwanda and for the withdrawal of Rwandan troops from Congolese soil. Conveyed his Government’s commitment to ensuring lasting peace and the well-being of affected communities, as well as implementing a DDR plan and building development capacities.
He stated that his country would not give up its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and would do everything in its power to resume dialogue with Rwanda, foster a climate of confidence between the two nations, and prevent the conflict from reaching a regional dimension.
He defined terrorism as a threat to global peace, security and stability. He explained that the extremist violence in eastern Congo is associated with the theft of natural resources. It is imperative that the UN apply harsh sanctions against those who promote it, he urged.
He noted that since 2019 his government has promoted greater access to education (free of charge has benefited more than four million children), health coverage, gender equality, the construction of more infrastructure and an industrialization process, Although the wounds left by centuries of poverty and inequality are deep.
He explained that reforms are also being promoted to mitigate deforestation and increase the use of renewable energy.
In this regard, he requested more financial and technical support from outside to advance adaptation to climate change. He called for international cooperation to develop the necessary infrastructure for a sustainable energy transition with more social inclusion and equitable sharing of the benefits of progress.
He also urged the UN Security Council to incorporate climate security into its discussions, given the impact of the climate crisis on natural disasters and armed conflict.
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