Jose Marti’s best reward from Uruguay

The best reward Jose Marti received from Uruguay was serving it, Alvaro Corbacho, director of the Diplomatic Historical Archive of the South American country's Foreign Ministry, stated.
The phrase comes from the Cuban Apostle himself, who served as a consul for Uruguay in New York between 1884 and 1891 when he devoted himself to organizing the necessary war to liberate Cuba from Spanish colonialism.
Corbacho made the comments at the headquarters of the Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art in Ciudad Vieja, Montevideo, where the first printed edition of the book “La Edad de Oro” (The Golden Age) by the most universal of Cubans was presented, with augmented reality, to members of the diplomatic corps.
The Uruguayan Foreign Ministry official told Prensa Latina that the Ministry’s archives treasure copies of Jose Marti’s appointment decree, his resignation’s acceptance, and, in particular, his report on the American International Monetary Conference.
The best reward was to have represented Uruguay, was his answer, recalled Corbacho, who praised Marti’s vision of a united America.
Marti found us, he underscored, and his opinion coincided with that of Cuban Ambassador to this country, Zulan Popa, who presented the Cuban-Uruguayan edition of the book “La Edad de Oro.”
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