Personalities in Panama demand to end US blockade against Cuba


Personalities in Panama demand to end US blockade against Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
9 September 2024
Imagen principal: 

Several personalities from Panama joined in demanding the end of the failed blockade and other hostile policies imposed by the United States against Cuba.
In the Digital newspaper’s program, “Café Bayano”, directed by David Carrasco, Cuban-American Carlos Lazo rejected, from Miami, the inclusion of Cuba in Washington’s list of state sponsoring terrorism (SSOT) and the punitive measures intensified by the administration of former President Donald Trump (2017-2021).

He said the economic, commercial, and financial siege and the 243 measures adopted by Trump and maintained by President Joe Biden’s administration are trying to stifle our families. We remember that amid the Covid-19 pandemic, sending remittances and purchasing essential medical supplies were prohibited.

Lazo, who is the coordinator of the “Bridges of Love” project, assured that they will continue with their campaigns and programs of humanitarian aid. An example is that initiatives are conducted in different countries on the last Sunday of each month.

In that same sense, from Milan, Italy, Cuban Dana Galano requested support to the letter sent to Joe Biden by French Hispanic intellectual Ignacio Ramonet in which he called on the President to remove Cuba from that SSOT list. It aggravates the siege that the Cuban people have suffered for more than six decades.

Humberto Perez, coordinator of the Network of Cuban Residents in Latin America and the Caribbean and president of the Marti’s Association in Panama, urged the regional governments to support the resolution that Havana will present at the next United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) sessions, as it has done on thirty previous occasions, to end what he considers to be the longest violation of human rights in history.

In a summary of the virtual panel broadcast through several digital platforms, Panamanian journalist Carrasco emphasized that the US blockade against Cuba is the greatest anachronism in history and an inhuman instrument of domination implemented in the region.

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