Venezuelan President Leads National Defense Council Meeting


Venezuelan President Leads National Defense Council Meeting
Fecha de publicación: 
13 August 2024
Imagen principal: 

The transnational far-right’s aggressions against the Bolivarian nation express a reaction to the emergence of the BRICS.



On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro led a meeting of the Council of State and the National Defense Council at the government headquarters in Caracas.


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Among its objectives, this meeting aims to analyze the events that took place after the presidential elections on July 28, when the Venezuelan far-right opposition rejected the victory of the Bolivarian leader and initiated acts of urban violence.

The meeting is taking place in the Sucre Room of the Yellow House, with the attendance of Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, the Political-Military High Command, Attorney General Tarek William Saab, Ombudsman Alfredo Ruiz, and other ministers.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Maduro gave an explanation of the origins of Fascism and Nazism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, emphasizing that these right-wing ideologies emerged as a reaction to the triumph of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917.

The Bolivarian leader also recalled the complicity of Western powers in the birth and development of fascism in Italy, Germany, and Spain.

Referring to the Venezuelan case, Maduro denounced that the forms of urban violent action known as “Guarimbas” have been promoted by far-right organizations for some years.

The Venezuelan president also stressed that the transnational far-right’s aggressions against his nation express a reaction to the emergence of the BRICS, which are drawing a new multicultural and multipolar world that transforms the geopolitics of power.

“The old empires and colonialist elites are reacting violently and Venezuela is at the center of their attention because it represents ‘the jewel in the crown’ for the US and its allies,” he said.

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