Union of Journalists of Cuba denounces campaign against Venezuela


Union of Journalists of Cuba denounces campaign against Venezuela
Fecha de publicación: 
1 August 2024
Imagen principal: 

The Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC) on Wednesday denounced the empire's premeditated communication strategy to sow doubts about the election results in Venezuela, and called for international solidarity with that South American nation.
“We say to Venezuela, to the Bolivarian and Chavista people, that they are not alone in their confrontation with the empire’s slanderous propaganda, the premeditated strategy of sowing doubt about the election results and their infamous actions,” the statement from the UPEC presidency noted.

Entitled “Communicational coup against Venezuela: taking by force what they did not conquer at the polls,” the text added that once again, the campaign of harassment and communication manipulation against Venezuela has been launched.

This, it said, with the complicity of the Government of the United States and now under the subordination of the disqualified María Corina Machado, with the purpose of repeating the failed coup d’état of the Guaido regime.

The communiqué stated that using countless resources and media tricks, with the false accusation of electoral fraud, they intend to ignore the majority will of the Venezuelan people who voted freely and sovereignly for the continuation of the nation’s model represented by the Bolivarian Revolution.

The above was a safe and transparent electoral process, with international observers, including the Carter Center and a panel of United Nations experts.

It revealed that without any shame, the State Department leads the actions and intends to expand the circle of countries that lend themselves to slanderous propaganda and interference.

It seeks to unite its allies in the world and assemble a punitive policy to impose sanctions on Venezuela’s economy, justify the theft of its assets and rich oil resources and drown the majority’s will in violence and blood for the continuity that was shown at the polls, the UPEC asserted.

It added that manipulated news and lies are spread significantly on social networks and in powerful media that respond to large corporations and oligarchs of global communication and mentioned the active participation of X magnate Elon Musk, as an example of this collusion.

They are trying to deliver a coup de grace with a campaign that they developed step by step since before the important civic day took place last Sunday, the text indicated.

It noted that Venezuela is not the repressive and criminal State that they want to present to the world, but quite the opposite, and assured that reelected President Nicolás Maduro has called time and again for dialogue, even promising that it would be the first step to achieving an electoral victory, which they fought with firmness and decorum.

However, it stated that the extremist opposition is already promoting violence, endangering the tranquility and peace that the people want and for which they voted.

The UPEC reaffirmed, “We accompany you in this battle for truth in line with the will that emerged from the Patria International Colloquium, whose third edition was held in Havana to articulate ourselves against the global totalitarian powers of communication and manipulation, with the participation of an important delegation of Venezuelan brothers.”

After urging all progressive forces and media on the planet and every honest human to defeat this shameful conspiracy, the UPEC presidency called to make the majority sovereign will of the Venezuelan people prevail.

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