Far Right Distorts Reality to Prompt Violence in Venezuela


Far Right Distorts Reality to Prompt Violence in Venezuela
Fecha de publicación: 
31 July 2024
Imagen principal: 

The U.S.-backed opposition has never intended to use legal resources to challenge election results, Alvarez pointed out.



On Wednesday, legal consultant Olga Alvarez asserted that the far-right in Venezuela is trying to establish a manipulated “reality” to discredit the results of the presidential elections held on July 28.


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According to current laws, the National Electoral Council (CNE) has 30 days to publish the election results in the Official Gazette, she recalled, adding that it is false that the publication deadline has passed, as the far-right politicians are trying to make people believe.

“In a democracy, it would be logical for anyone wishing to challenge the tally sheets to request certificates from the CNE and appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ),” Alvarez said, specifying that right-wing politicians Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado have not done so because they never intended to use legal channels or recognize the electoral authorities.

“The Venezuelan electoral process is 100 percent automated. Voting and tallying are electronic. The voting machine gives the voter a receipt that can be used for citizen audits,” she added, and recalled that the citizen audit is carried out in 54 percent of the polling stations with the participation of political party representatives and electoral observers.

Did you know that the right-wing coup leader in Venezuela is a Zionist?

 If you’ve been in the streets in the past 10 months fighting for a liberated Palestine, then you know that Palestine isn’t a single issue, but is deeply connected to the fight against U.S. imperialism… pic.twitter.com/2aajdJpql8

— The People's Forum (@PeoplesForumNYC) July 31, 2024


The count of the votes occurs within 48-72 hours after the voting day and allows electoral authorities to proclaim the winning candidate. This happened on Monday when the CNE proclaimed Nicolas Maduro as the constitutional president for the 2025-2031 term.

Venezuelan electoral authorities have blocked their website to stop a massive hacking attempt that tried to prevent or slow down the counting of the electoral results.

“It is logical to expect that the CNE website will be activated when security mechanisms prevent hacking. Then the total and disaggregated results will be published,” the legal expert said, clarifying that CNE authorities are not required to publish copies of the tally sheets because they are proofs of the automatically conducted count.

The Citizen Verification Records, as well as the installation records of the polling stations, are kept by the CNE because they are part of the administrative file that authorities present in case of appeals to the Supreme Court, Alvarez said.

"They are trying to impose a fascist counter-revolutionary coup d'etat in Venezuela"

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounces a right-wing coup attempt against the Bolivarian Revolution. He has stated that the US Empire is backing these coup attempts. pic.twitter.com/lIYqGHLay4

— Peoples Dispatch (@peoplesdispatch) July 30, 2024


“To challenge tally sheets, interested parties must request the CNE certification of the sheet they intend to challenge. This way, the process will have legality before the Supreme Court,” she explained.

All these legal and procedural aspects, however, are deliberately omitted from the narratives promoted by the transnational mainstream media and social networks, pointed out Alvarez, who attributed this attitude to a plan to generate terrorist actions against the Venezuelan nation.

“No person or organization can usurp the CNE functions as Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez have done. This is a serious crime because it threatens the nation’s sovereignty,” she stated.

“The publication of some supposed ‘tally sheets’ is part of a cognitive warfare plan aiming to create fake realities in the collective imagination so as to generate frustration and sustain violence,” Alvarez emphasized.

Finally, legal expert Alvarez urged the Venezuelan population to maintain “nerves of steel in the face of the imperial onslaught that fits very well into various military warfare theories.”

#FromTheSouth News Bits | Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello denounced the attacks of right-wing extremists on the electoral and government authorities. pic.twitter.com/VfkhBTc9zm

— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) July 31, 2024

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