Imminent closure investigating Bolsonaro sparked in Brazil


Imminent closure investigating Bolsonaro sparked in Brazil
Fecha de publicación: 
8 June 2024
Imagen principal: 

 The efforts of the Federal Police (PF) to close the investigations into alleged crimes perpetrated by former President Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022), stood out this end of the week in Brazil.

“New international efforts were made and, despite the autonomy of the investigations, the expectation of conclusion is in June,” the general director of the PF, Andrei Passos, told the newspaper O Globo.

By July, the expectation is to finish the investigation into the attempted coup d’état of January 8, 2023.

“It is several terabytes (memory capacity) of information, data, testimonies, seizures, documents, images, all kinds of evidence. At the end of this investigation, we hope to present those responsible for this barbarism,” he explained.

He mentioned the case known as parallel ABIN, which involves clandestine espionage of Brazilians, including politicians, judges and journalists. This investigation is also nearing its conclusion.

ABIN is the Brazilian Intelligence Agency created on December 7, 1999 during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso to replace the extinct National Intelligence Service of the military dictatorship (1964-1985).

In August, the investigations involving the former director of the Federal Highway Police Silvinei Vasques and the former Minister of Justice Anderson Torres should be concluded.


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