Cuban Parliament Publishes Bill on Military Penal Code

The National People's Power Assembly (Parliament) of Cuba on Saturday published on its website the bill on the Military Penal Code to promote citizens' participation and contribute to raising legal culture.
According to a press release from Parliament, the rule norm will be submitted to analysis and debates by lawmakers on July 3, with a view to its presentation in the first regular session of the 10th Legislature.
The Governing Council of the People’s Supreme Court delivered the bill to National Assembly President Esteban Lazo on May 11, in accordance with Article 164 of the Constitution of the Republic.
For the elaboration of the rule, a temporary working group, made up of representatives of the Supreme People’s Court, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office, the ministries of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, the Interior and Justice , among other institutions, was set up in November 2021.
The Parliament specifies that for the conformation of the bill, an extensive national and international bibliography was analyzed, as well as treaties signed by the Cuban State related to the proposal, and documents resulting from the development of international law.
Citizens may issue their criteria on the regulatory provision by email at
The draft law on the Military Penal Code gives continuity to the judicial and procedural reform, initiated in the 9th Legislature of the Cuban Parliament.
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