Mexico regrets Peruvian loweing level of relations

The Mexican government, in a report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regretted today the decision of the highest authorities of Peru to reduce the level of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
President Dina Boluarte announced the decision to definitively withdraw her ambassador from Mexico.
Foreign Affairs explains that the president reduced relations to the level of Chargé d’Affaires and permanently withdrew Ambassador Manuel Gerardo Talavera, who was called for consultations on December 15, 2022.
The Mexican government, adds the note, will maintain its level of diplomatic and consular representation to promote ties between our peoples and provide care to the Mexican community in Peru.
At the same time, he reiterates his conviction to keep diplomatic communication channels open for the benefit of both societies. Likewise, it hopes that a democratic agreement will soon be reached to the disagreements that prevail in this sister Latin American country.
For her part, information came from Lima that Peruvian President Boluarte announced yesterday the definitive withdrawal of her ambassador to Mexico, Manuel Gerardo Talavera Espinar, in response to criticism from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Boluarte, in a brief message to the nation, stated that her Mexican counterpart has favored her “ideological affinity” when defending the deposed and imprisoned President Pedro Castillo.
With his statements, Mr. López violates the principle of international law on non-interference in internal affairs, as well as those related to the defense and promotion of democracy ”,
Yesterday, at his morning press conference, López Obrador considered Boluarte a spurious president, repudiated by more than 85 percent of Peruvians, and the congress at even lower levels of popular acceptance.
The Mexican president also lashed out at the Organization of American States (OAS) “led by the Uruguayan mercenary Luis Almagro for not condemning the coup against constitutional president Pedro Castillo and turning a blind eye to the murders of the coup plotters and the decision to dismiss legitimately constituted authorities.
Obrador received last Thursday at the National Palace the wife of the deposed president, Lilia Parede, about whom he said that “I hugged her and expressed my solidarity with the humble, poor, indigenous, humiliated people.”
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