Against Silence and War

Few media have released that a massive demonstration took place this Saturday in the most populous city in the United States, New York. The reason? It is simple: peace. Reports indicate that thousands of people demanded that the North American nation suspend its meddling in the conflict in Ukraine, as well as in Syria and Yemen, among other nations that are also experiencing warfare with US interference.
Of course, it is a matter of State. Militarism is a strategic issue that should not be disclosed, but silenced. For this reason, the calls for the demonstration did not spread properly. That result did not pop up in search engines on the Internet, nor are the photos and videos that do exist on social networks.
Progressive organizations and individuals participated in the demonstration that started from the heart of the New York city, the military recruitment center in Times Square, and spread throughout the center of popular Manhattan. The occasion was ideal to demand that those million-dollar budgets that are used today in military actions, can be destined to the real basic needs of the American people, such as health and education.
A large number of pacifists rejected the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and rose up against the interventionist policy of the United States that makes the U.S. meddle in territories around the world, as well as impose unilateral measures and sanctions on whatever country they want such as Russia and Venezuela. That is why people read in some the banners Cuba Yes, blockade No.
From the same call, the organizers urge the Biden administration to end all military action / investment, while honoring Martin Luther King, recognized in the world for his anti-war legacy. And so it happened, but with little support from the media. And regretfully, what is not widely spread does not transcend with the desired magnitude.
It is not the first time it has happened. It is not enough that the demonstration took place in the most famous city in the United States and with worldwide recognition. It is not enough that the participation was massive, colorful and noisy; if the media does not echo the event. It did not multiply, and it is as if it did not happen. Hence, we affirm that the media support the decision-makers and not the truth, that it is not convenient for them, and that is why they silence and turn their backs on the claim. However, more and more people are joining in with the confidence of being heard one day and thus stop the heavy machinery of war and the meddling policies of the leading world power.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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