Syria bets on popular resistance to expel US troops


Syria bets on popular resistance to expel US troops
Fecha de publicación: 
28 December 2022
Imagen principal: 

Damascus, Dec 28 (Prensa Latina) Sooner or later, foreign forces illegally present in Syria will be expelled thanks to the resistance of the people, declared the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The complete departure of the occupying troops from Syrian territories is not impossible and will be achieved by the strikes directed by the popular resistance against these forces and the continuous rejection of their presence, the Foreign Ministry assured on Twitter.

The Ministry added that the people in the northeast of the country are fighting heroically against the US military and its Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia, which the Syrian authorities describe as puppets and mercenaries.

With the growing rejection and popular resistance, the land will be liberated and the rights of the Syrians will be recovered in the near future, the Foreign Affairs Ministry concluded its statement.

Actions against Pentagon forces and their separatist FDS militia are frequent and come amid popular anger at their practices.

Washington keeps at least a dozen bases in Syria, mostly in the oil and gas fields in the northeastern Al-Jazeera region, mainly in Hasakeh, as well as one in the Tanef area near the Iraqi border to prevent any terrestrial communication between these two countries.

The Damascus government has repeatedly denounced the illegal presence of US troops, described as an occupation, and assured that the Pentagon’s actions in Syria encourage terrorist activity in an effort to destabilize the country and plunder its wealth.

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