Violence in Brazilian schools will be a topic in Lula’s transition


Violence in Brazilian schools will be a topic in Lula’s transition
Fecha de publicación: 
28 November 2022
Imagen principal: 

Brasilia, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The violence that prevails in Brazilian schools will be a topic for the Education working group of the transition government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Lula.

The issue emerged after the crime occurred on Friday in the state school Primo Bitti, in the beach of Coqueiral, 22 kilometers from the center of Aracruz, a municipality in the state of Espírito Santo (southeast).

According to the Public Security Secretariat of the territorial division, the killer, a 16 year-old young man, burst into the school with two pistols and fired several shots as soon as he entered, went to the teachers’ room and pulled the trigger again and three teachers were killed.

Later, the attacker went to a private school, which is on the same road, and also fired several shots that killed a 12 year-old student.

In both aggressions, the murderer killed three teachers and a primary school student and wounded 12 people, one of whom, is in serious conditions and had to be taken by helicopter to a hospital.

The portal Rede Brasil Atual assures that, after more than 40 decrees of the defeated president Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilians have bought 1,300 weapons per day.

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