Cuba will never give up social justice, foreign minister says


Cuba will never give up social justice, foreign minister says
Fecha de publicación: 
3 November 2022
Imagen principal: 

United Nations, Nov 3 (Prensa Latina) Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Thursday that Cuba will never give up its system of social justice and the exercise of human rights for all citizens.

Rodriguez spoke at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UN), which analyzed and pronounced itself on the lifting of the US blockade against Cuba.

In this regard, he denounced, among other effects of this policy, the financial persecution that has been tightened with the arbitrary and illegal inclusion of Cuba in the list of States that sponsor terrorism, which further hinders trade with the whole world.

The foreign minister pointed out that, on the contrary, Cuba is the target of a flow of media instigation to violence and terrorist acts from the United States.

He recalled that this measure was imposed by President Donald Trump just nine days before leaving office, and stressed that President Joe Biden could have corrected that injustice with just one signature, but he has not done it.

Rodriguez further pointed out that the extraterritorial impact of the blockade harms the sovereignty of other nations, infringes on national legislation, sanctions their companies and prevents access to US ports for third-party ships docking in Cuba.

He said that Cubans do not attribute all hardships to the blockade, but those who deny its effects and do not acknowledge that it is the main cause of the shortages suffered by Cuban families are denying the truth.

The foreign minister denounced that Washington uses the media and social networks in a violent campaign against Cuba and resorts to methods of unconventional warfare in which it targets children, young people and artists.

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