teleSUR Correspondent Alejandro Kirk Injured in Donetsk

The incident took place specifically in the Voroshilovsky district, located in the center of Donetsk, in the eastern region of Ukraine.
teleSUR's correspondent in Donetsk, Alejandro Kirk, was injured while covering the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but is out of danger according to the medical report.
According to the journalist, who is also a correspondent for the Iranian channel HispanTV, a group of journalists, including Kirk, was in the city of Donetsk when he was hit by shrapnel during a Kiev offensive in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.
"Currently his condition is stable thanks to the timely care of doctors in Donbas," the same journalist indicated in recorded audio in which he describes his situation.
The incident took place specifically in the Voroshilovsky district, located in the center of Donetsk.
In a communication of teleSUR regarding what happened to the journalist and documentary filmmaker, it was specified that Kirk's condition is stable thanks to the timely care of doctors in Donbas.
The president of teleSUR, Patricia Villegas, is in communication with Kirk and reiterated the numerous calls from global organizations to respect the work of the media and to guarantee the integrity of reporters. "We are grateful for the medical attention he is receiving and hope for his speedy recovery," the text states.
The multimedia platform's communication stated: "teleSUR reaffirms its commitment to tell the truth about what is happening in the Donbas and the rest of the world. Telling what the hegemonic media keeps silent. We will continue to inform".
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