Time is working against Mexican miners trapped in flooded well

Mexico City, Aug 9 (Prensa Latina) The 10 Mexican miners trapped for six days in a coal well in Sabinas, Coahuila, are at the expense of the weather which is working against them, Civil Protection said.
Although, according to the state governor, Miguel Ángel Riquelme, the equipment installed in the mine has increased water extraction to more than 386 liters per second, which allows a constant decrease in the pits, the flooding persists.
Excavations around the affected shaft continue in order to allow the entry of divers to search for and rescue the victims whose condition is unknown.
Three other drilling rigs went into operation a few hours ago and a water pump was installed inside a borehole and work is underway to introduce another pump in a second adjacent pit of the 10 that have already been drilled or are in progress.
The governor admitted that the hope of finding the 10 workers alive in the Pinabete mine remains, but time is acting very unfavorably since almost a week has passed and the divers are still unable to go down.
The accident has revealed the precarious conditions, lack of safety and the abuses and exploitation to which the owners of the wells, most of them clandestine and others with dubious concessions, subject the workers.
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