Italy will lose almost seven million workers in 20 years

Rome, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) The demographic crisis facing Italy will cause this European country to lose 6.8 million workers over the next 20 years, a union report indicates today.
The report, prepared by the Di Vittorio Foundation of the Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL), points out that in 2042 the labor inactive population will increase, with 3.8 million more people under 15 years of age and over 64.
For this reason, according to that analysis released yesterday, “the country’s growth is at stake, which will have to deal with a pension and welfare system that is no longer sustainable.”
The researcher Beppe De Sario, who participated in that study, pointed out that “an Italy devoid of the energy of the younger generations will suffer a growth deficit in the medium and long term.”
For her part, Tania Scacchetti, confederal secretary of the CGIL, commented in relation to this investigation that greater attention should be paid to the management of migratory flows.
Scacchetti stated that “young people who emigrate not by choice, most of whom are trained and competent, should be offered prospects for decent and quality work, which responds to their skills, an adequate salary and a welfare system that protects them.” .
On July 14, the National Institute of Statistics reported that in the first four months of 2022, only 118,320 births were registered in Italy, about 986 per day, which showed a marked decrease in the birth rate.
The negative trend is evident when births are compared in the first four months of this year, with the 124,990 registered in Italy in the same period of 2021, and the 130,295 in 2020, the source pointed out.
The deaths at that stage of this year totaled 249,245, for a daily average of 2,077, but that number is much lower than the 274,276 deaths that occurred in the first four months of 2020, mainly as a consequence of the pandemic. of Covid-19.
The European Statistical Office (Eurostat) recently reported that Italy was in 2021 the European country where the number of inhabitants decreased the most, with a quarter of a million people less than those registered in the previous year.
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